Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Capsule and Hour

Patient called up regarding a medicine he collected. He was confused by the following sentences: "Take 1 capsule 2 times a day. Take half an hour or 1 hour before meals." He called up to ask what it meant by half an hour or 1 hour before meals. ?! I mean what do you mean? My techinican tried explaining that he can take 30 mins before meals or 60 mins before meals. Either way is fine, however, he was still confused. He asked if he was suppose to take half a capsule 60 mins before meals and the other half capsule 30 mins before meals. *faint*

Luckily it was my technician answering the phone else I'll be really sarcastic. She again patiently tried to explain that he was suppose to take the whole capsule, not half, either 30 mins before meals or 60 mins before meals. Later his daughter came to the phone and guess what the daughter asked. The exact same stupid question! "Doesn't the instruction mean taking half a capsule 60 mins before meals and the other half capsule 30 mins before meals?" What the @#$!!^

Stupidity apparently is in the genes. Moral of the story, if you are stupid, don't pass on your stupid genes.


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